Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Web Design Stages at E-foreknowledge

Stages of Web Design at E-foreknowledge

About E-foreknowledge:

E-Foreknowledge in Birmingham is the leading web design and SEO service provider. We are a professional web design company offering tailor-made web solutions with high quality web design that meet surpass the expectation of our clients. If you are looking for an experienced web design company in Birmingham, then look no further!!!
Our web designers and developers in Birmingham will personalize the design of your website to meet your requirements. Our aim is to improve your businesses profile by means of website design and understanding through effective use of technology.

Stages of Web Design:
At E-foreknowledge, Birmingham, we know there’s no time to waste in getting your web presence up and running. So we have come up with four efficient stages to streamline our processes:
  • Vision
  • Website Design
  • Web Development
  • Launch

Our process starts with client consultation, where we connect with your company’s culture, services and/or products, branding, business objectives, and expectations. With this vital information, we construct the foundation of your new digital solution, determining visual and technical needs, as well as goals and objectives.

Website Design:
After devising potential solutions, we develop site architecture and navigation structure. We then proceed with the design of user interfaces, graphic content and multimedia elements. At this stage, we offer secure access to works in progress for client review and feedback.

Web Development:
With client approval of the design direction, E-foreknowledge in Birmingham, begin web development, coding and implementation of backend technology. Your database is then integrated with the web site. Advanced multimedia and interactive production are finalised, and your content is added to your site. At this point, you have beta site access. And yes, feedback is encouraged.

After final approval, your site is transferred to its final destination on our server. Quality Assurance testing is conducted and any resulting alterations are made. Your site is then set for deployment. Once live, we will monitor the web site for complications.

Source : http://www.e-foreknowledge.co.uk/Web-Design.html

Content Managed Website Solution

Solution for Content Managed Website

At the core of  our Content Managed website solution lays a foundation of capabilities that enables the website owner to create, manage and publish content to their website without involving technical experts. By leveraging a flexible and agile system to optimise the process of publishing content and analyse the needs of the internal and external audiences, a rich and dynamic Website can be realised.

When your staff is already stretched to the limit, Echo CMS is a powerful solution that gives your employees the ability to keep content fresh and relevant for your Web audience. Publish up-to-the minute news and information about your organisation on your Website, Intranet and Extranet. Overall, your cost of production and ownership is dramatically improved – it’s more effective, quicker and safer – and much more productive and affordable.

Because the website content is being maintained by the people who create the content rather than web experts that content is being refreshed more regularly, website visitors and subsequent sales increase. Your website becomes what it should be – an effective 24 x 7 business generator.

Because Echo CMS is constantly evolving, the following list of features will continually grow.

User Friendly
1. Absolutely easy to use. Most users can pick up the interface with little or no training. This means your staff can be maintaining the site right away. If you can use a web browser, you can use Echo CMS.
2. Advanced What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) Editor with word like editing capabilities
3. Upload images and other files directly through the WYSIWYG UI, no need for FTP/SFTP.
4. Easy to undo mistakes.
5. Create and edit web page content, including text, graphics, hyperlinks, tables and forms.
6. Ability to set web pages as ‘Drafts’ and turn content On or Off.
7. Advanced link handling so your website links stay intact.
8. Advanced search engine indexing conscious design for web marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO), which is especially designed to work with our Echo SEO service.
9. Simple to use point and click editor.
10. Unlimited multi-level site navigation allows for unlimited hierarchical menus.
11. Instantly create new pages, update navigation menus through drag and drop.
12. Advanced style sheets for dynamics layout and complex design Statistical Reporting.
13. Web based control panel allows you to access your website from any computer
14. Full training given and on going support.
15. Password protected content managed pages
16. Site registration (roles based access to different content)

Source : http://www.e-foreknowledge.co.uk/Content_Managed_Website_Solution_Echo_CMS.html

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Web Design in Birmingham

Web Design in all its Glory
Visuals in combination with design normally work well together. However, when dealing with web design, visuals are not the only thing considered to be successful for the site. Several other elements contribute to the success of the design of the website and superb visuals are only one of them.
Integrating Highlights
What is called a highlight? Simply put, it is something which stands out. For instance, if there are several visuals on the website, then something should be there to help them stand out. It may be a catch phrase which is well-written or a highlighted image. This will help to get a user to focus on what you believe is important. Usually, the website’s key message is highlighted more and above all else.
The Ideal Colour Combination
Ever been to a site that did not seem interesting yet you felt motivated to look through it anyway? Don’t wonder too much. It was the combination of various colours on the website that did the trick. A website’s design must have the ideal selection of colours and should work well with the available information on the site. Particular colour schemes work well with specific types of websites. Only the colours that depict the concept of what you have on your website should be chosen; if the website is for ecommerce purposes, the colours will motivate visitors into making positive decisions.
Inspiring Call-to-Action Buttons
Whether a site is marketing services or products or is providing information on a particular subject, majority of sites online include call-to-action buttons. If this button is inspiring then half your job is already half done. The call-to-action buttons should be able to make the kind of positive impact that encourages a visitor to click them. The purpose of the website is not adequately accomplished if a visitor ignores or does not notice these buttons.
The aforementioned are only a few of the several elements that is essential in successful web design. When you place all your focus on the design of the website, it is the same as placing all your eggs in the one basket. You are required to spread out the dependency of the success of the website to other aspects of it. This essentially means that if you make an error with particular elements, then the other elements will come in handy to provide you with the success you are seeking. A website design which is custom-made is the key for making sure that you utilize different and various elements which contribute to the success of your website by making adequate impression on the visitors’ mind.  Have a looking at www.e-foreknowledge.co.uk for more information about web design in Birmingham or website design in Birmingham, UK.
If you are looking for further information or would like to speak to someone regarding your web design strategy and you are based in Birmingham then give e-foreknowledge a call for a free consultation.

Source : http://eforeknowledge.wordpress.com/2011/11/16/web-design-in-birmingham/